Vedlikehold av brannmur (firewall maintenance) tirsdag 16. november
Fiskeridirektoratet skal gjennomføre kritisk vedlikehold av brannmuren i vedlikeholdsvinduet tirsdag 16.11.2021, fra klokken 16:00.
Det er planlagt vinduet for ustabilitet vil være 15 til 30 minutter.
De fleste av våre tjenester vil bli berørt, og brukere kan oppleve ustabilitet i perioden.
The Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries is conducting critical unplanned maintenance on our firewall. The upgrade is to occur on Tuesday 16.11.2021 at approximately 16:00 (UTC+1).
The upgrade is expected to cause short downtime in the communications to our systems. The duration of unstable communications is estimated to be around 15-30 min. Users of our forms and websites, as well as those who send and receive data from us will be affected in some degree.