Cruises 2023

Cruises 2023

Call sign

Operating authority, 
Researching state


Purpose of cruise

Scientist in charge

Geographical Area

Application date



Rossö/Svanen av Rörö, Swedish, SIGA/SMFHSwedish University of Agricultral Sciences (SLU)02.10.2023-20.10.2023Swedish Skagerrak Bottom Trawl SurveyPatrik Börjesson

Skagerrak Sea:

N 57°00´- N 59°00´, E 07°00

05.09.202327.09.202305.09.2023 (pdf, 306.3 kB)
Heincke, German, DBCKAlfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar-and Marine Research in the Helmholz-Association, Germany04.09.2023-01.10.2023Shelf. Investigate the gas system within  Svalbard´s fjordsMiriam Römer

Svalbard fjords and shelf (main work area):

A: 16° 11.032’E, 79° 37.552’N

B: 20° 0.139’E, 76° 16.932’N

C: 12° 54.117’E, 75° 51.959’N

D: 7° 20.01’E, 79.2.293’N

Work area Transit:

A: 14° 12.025’E, 69° 50.980’N

B: 14° 49.388’E, 69° 7.371’N

C: 13° 55.197’E, 68° 35.661’N

D: 13° 17.264’E, 69° 16.494’N

Jacob Grietje/ST27, German, DMMOThűnen-Institut for Sea Fisheries22.08.2023-05.09.2023International Beam Trawl SurveyKay Panten North Sea, South of 57°30´N, North of  55°N, West of 10°E17.08.202321.08.202317.08.2023 (pdf, 665.6 kB)
Edvard Snoek/SC25, German, DIREThűnen-Institut for Sea Fisheries18.08.2023-05.09.2023International Beam Trawl SurveyKay PantenNorth Sea, South of 57°30´N, North of 55°N, West of 10°E14.08.2023  
Arctic Hunter/Reykjanes, Danish, OUWK2/OVSI2DTU Aqua (National Institute for Aquatic Resources)15.11.2023-20.12.2023Estimating local abundance and distribution pattern of sandeelsHans Jakob Olsen52°N-58°N,

Report Artic Hunter (pdf, 419.9 kB)

Report Reykanes (pdf, 425.3 kB)

Merlin-8, Norwegian, TBAETH Zűrich, 
12.11.2023-20.01.2024Recording the acoustic communication of orcas and humpback whales in northern Norway.Jörg RychenN 69.856 E 20.866 –
N 70.241 E 21.893



Dana, Danish, OXBHDTU Agua (National Institute of Aquatic Resources15.08.2023-08.09.2023International Bottom Trawl Survey (IBTS)Kai Wieland/Helle Rasmusse51°00'N - 58°00'N, 01°00'W – 10°00'E08.08.202314.08.23Report (pdf, 1.3 MB)
Elisabeth Mann Borgese, German, DBKRBundeswehr Technical Center WTD71, Germany13.10.2023-27.102023Improve methodology and technical equipment for future sound transmission experiments at open sea.Jan AbshagenSognefjord31.07.202327.09.202331.07.2023
Walther Herwig III, German, DBFRBundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung, Germany06.09.2023-23.09.2023Test of different technical devices used for fishery research.  Andreas Hermann

Area 1 (preferred area): 57°30´N - 58°30´N and 8°E - 10°30´E  (excl. 3nm-zone)

Area 2: 60°30´N – 61°30´N and 3°E - 6°30´E (incl. Sognefjord).  

Scotia, United Kingdom, MXHR 6Marine Scotland Science, Marine Laboratory, UK09.12.2023-18.12.2023HydrographyBeret Rabe

55°00 N – 63°00 N

14°00 W – 02°00 E

Cefas Endeavour, British, VQHF3DEFRA/CEFAS, United Kingdom09.12.2023-24.12.2023Gear trials for the JTS610 otter trawl, due to become the primary trawl for the International Bottom Trawl Survey (IBTS)Ben Hatton

51°30' N - 62°00' N

03°00' W - 09°00' E 

Kronprins Haakon, Norwegian, 3YYQScripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego.06.11.2023-29.11.2023Shelf. Better understanding of the physical oceanography in the region.Jennifer MackinnonLofoten Basin (near 3E, 69N) and near the Jan Mayen Channel (8W, 71N)30.05.202324.08.2023Report (pdf, 3.8 MB)
PolarXplorer, Norway, LAOS8Tűbitak, Turkey04.07.2023-02.08.2023Investigate the presence and intensity of the anthropogenic impacts on a global scale, and observe the parameters and effects of global climate change.Burcu Özsoy

70°00´N – 81°00´N

 02°00´E – 37°00´E

Walther Herwig III, German, DBFRBundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung, Germany29.11.2023-19.12.2023Investigations on the occurence of fish diseases and parasits and biological effects of contaminants. OSPAR/HELCOM monitoring.  Pedro Miguel Agostinho52°03.00'N - 63°00.00'N/ 002°10.00'W - 028°18.00'E  08.05.202322.08.2023 
Le Commandant Charcot, French, FMNBPonant, France, Italy26.08.2023-10.09.2023Contribute to the evaluation of the current state and major ongoing transformations of the Arctic marine systemMaurizio Azzaro

Svalbard Islands – North Pole – Iceland

77°N – 90°N/0°E – 30°E

64°N – 90°M/0°E – 30°E 

04.05.202326.06.2023Report (pdf, 914.7 kB)
Svea, Swedish, SEYBSwedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Sweden18.08.2023-04.09.2023International Bottom Trawl Survey Patrik BörjessonSkagerrak, Kattegat, North Sea02.05.202328.06.2023Report (pdf, 1.5 MB)
Heincke, German, DBCKAlfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar-and Marine Research in the Helmholz-Association, Germany03.10.2023-12.10.2023 MARUM Cluster of Excellence 2077 – test  of seagoing vehicles to study gas seeps in the Northe Sea and the adjacent southern Norwegian Sea.  Achim KopfNorthern North Sea/Skagerak/Norwegian Sea28.04.202329.06.2023 
Scotia, United Kingdom, MXHR 6Marine Scotland, Marine Laboratory, UK19.09.2023-02.10.2023HydrographyW.R. Turrell

JONSIS line (Orkney-Utsire) at 59.283N,

-002.233W through to 59.283N, 002.033E

Le Commandant Charcot, French, FMNBGermany22.06.2023-10.07.2023Climate change and ocean pollution in the Atlantic sector of the Arctic Ocean.Andreas Oschlies

Reykjavik, Iceland – east Greenland (Denmark) – Longyearbyen, Svalbard (Norway)

(64°N - 80°N /30°E - 15°E)

Audacious BF83, British, MBJM6United Kingdom25.04.2023-04.05.2023Scottish monkfish surveyF. Burns

57° 30´ N – 62° 30´ N

4° 00´ W – 05° 00´ E
Atair, German, DBBIFederal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH)18.07.2023-10.08.2023

Annual North Sea summer survey (NSSS) of the BSH dedicated to assess the physical and chemical status of the North Sea in summer 2023.


Dagmar KiekeNorth Sea, 51°N-60°N, 5°W-9°E05.04.202323.06.2023 
Lun II, French (St Pierre et Miquelon), MMSI 361001400University of Brest (UBO), France01.06.2023-22.06.2023Better understanding of marine environmental changes in high latitudes, and their consequences on the fate of micro-planktonic siliceous organisms.  Aude Leynaert70°N - 60°N /4°E - 20°E28.03.202322.05.23 
Resolute BF50
United Kingdom
International Ecosystem Survey in the Nordic Sea (IESNS)Fabio Campanella

62° 00´ N – 73° 50´ N

13° 15´ W – 20° 40´ E

20.03.202313.04.202320.03.2023 (pdf, 1.3 MB)
Walther Herwig III, German, DBFRBundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung, Germany18.07.23-03.08.23 Shelf. International Bottom Trawl Survey (IBTS) 2023 Q3 under ICES coordination, and German Small-scale Bottom Trawl Survey (GSBTS).


Anne SellEntire North Sea between 54°N to 62°N, particularly in those rectangles assigned to Germany by ICES.  06.03.202320.06.2023 
Jákup Sverri, Faroese, XPZOHavstovan, Torshavn, Faroe Islands, Denmark29.06.23- 20.07.23International Ecosystem Summer Survey in the Nordic Seas, IESSNSEydna í Homrum60°00'N - 77°90'N, 32°00'W – 24°80'E06.03.202310.05.2023 
Arni Fridriksson, Icelandic, TFNAMarine and Freshwater Research Institute Iceland, Hafnarfjordur, Iceland03.07.23-22.07.23Abundance estimation of mackerel, herring and blue whiting (IESSNS 2023). Anna H. Olafsdottir60°00' N - 71°00' N, 40°00' W - 00°00' E 03.03.202304.05.202306.06.2024 (pdf, 767.5 kB)
Le Commandant Charcot, French, FMNBIfremer/University of Brest (UBO), France10.07.23-27.07.23Deploy autonomous platforms and perform expandable measurements in the Eurasian Arctic Basin.  Camille Lique/Nicolas Kolodziejczyk

North Svalbard - Eurasian Arctic Basin

(77°N - 90°N / 0°E - 35°E)

Solea, German, DBFHBundesanstalt fűr Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE)27.06.2023-17.07.2023Hydroacoustic monitoring of clupeid stocks.Matthias Schaber52°00' N - 57°00' N, 2°30' W - 9°00' E 28.02.202320.06.202328.02.2023 (pdf, 1.7 MB)
RV Oceania, Polish, SQOCInstitute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland15.06.2023-10.09.2023Shelf. Studies of thermohaline circulation in the Nordic Seas, pathways of Atlantic water etc, studies of hydrography, plankton, surface sediments, benthos etc. in the Spitsbergen fjords and coastal regions.  Agnieszka Beszczyńska-Möller58°N-82°N, 5°W-30°E24.02.202312.05.2023 
Dana, Danish, OXBH

National Institute of Aquatic Resources

24.06.2023-10.07.2023Echo integration of herring and sprat for stock monitoring purposes Susan Mærsk Lusseau56°'N - 60°'N, 05°E – 12°E24.02.202319.06.202324.02.2023
Azimuth, Polish, SPG4749Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geophysics



“RAW – Retreat and Wither” – What is the influence of glaciers recession from tidewater to land-based on the marine biological production and the biogeochemistry in the Artic?Mateusz Moskalik76°N-79°N, 12° W- 18°E in the Greenland Sea and western Spitsbergen Fjords24.02.202325.04.2023 
Arni Fridriksson,Icelandic,TFNAMarine and Freshwater Research Institute, Reykjavik, Iceland05.09.2023-30.09.2023Acoustic estimation of capelin abundance, ecology studies of the epi-pelagic layer and hydrographyBirkir Bardarson64°00' N - 76°00' N, 40°00' W - 02°00' E22.02.202308.05.202322.02.2023 (pdf, 6.2 MB)
Heincke, German, DBCKAlfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar-and Marine Research in the Helmholz-Association, Germany06.09.2023-01.10.2023Shelf. Investigate the gas system within  Svalbard´s fjords.  Miriam Römer
  1. Svalbard fjords and shelf (main work area):

A: 16° 11.032’E, 79° 37.552’N

B: 20° 0.139’E, 76° 16.932’N

C: 12° 54.117’E, 75° 51.959’N

D: 7° 20.01’E, 79.2.293’N


  1. Work area Transit:

A: 14° 12.025’E, 69° 50.980’N

B: 14° 49.388’E, 69° 7.371’N

C: 13° 55.197’E, 68° 35.661’N

D: 13° 17.264’E, 69° 16.494’N

Arni Fridriksson, Icelandic, TFNAMarine and Freshwater Research Institute, Reykjavik, Iceland08.05.2023-31.05.2023Distribution and abundance of Norwegian spring-spawning herring and blue whiting. Sigurvin Bjarnason62°50'- 71°36' N , 13°00' W - 16°0' E 22.02.202304.05.202322.03.2023 (pdf, 5.1 MB)
ITS Alliance,Italy, IALLItalian Navy, Italy15.07.2023-07.08.2023Shelf. The research campaign High North23  Maurizio Demarte

75°00'N-82°45'N, 00°00'E-32°00'E

(outside NTW)

21.02.202322.05.202321.02.2023 (pdf, 2.7 MB)
ITS Alliance,Italy, IALLItalian Navy, Italy20.06.2023-11.07.2023Shelf. Nordic Recognized Environmental Picture 2023 (NREP23) and Arctic Climate Observatory 2023 (ACO2023)  CEMBRE (La Spezia)

Svalbard (outside NTW)

ITS Alliance, Italy, IALLItalian Navy, Italy05.06.2023-07.08.2023Shelf. Anti-Submarine Warfare 2023 (ASW 2023)  

CEMBRE (La Spezia)

Svalbard/Bear Island (outside NTW)

Walther Herwig III, German, DBFRBundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung, Germany09.08.2023-28.08.2023Investigations on the occurence of fish diseases and parasits and biological effects of contaminants, OSPAR monitoringKlaus Wysujack52°46.00'N - 58°25.00'N/ 002°10.00'W - 016°00.00'E14.02.202320.06.202314.02.2023 (pdf, 652.5 kB)
Scotia, United Kingdom, MXHR 6Marine Scotland Science, Marine Laboratory, UK07.08.2023-28.08.2023ICES Demersal trawling survey to assess pre-recruit year class strengths of cod, haddock, whiting, saithe, Norway pout, herring, mackerel and spratF. Burns54.00º to 61.30º N - 004ºW to 006ºE14.02.202319.06.202314.02.2023
Tara, French, FVNMTara Ocean Foundation - TOF, France20.06.2023-29.09.2023Shelf.  Expedition Tara Europe within the Traversing European Coastline (TREC) PROJECTColomban De Vargas

Station1: 5.0232504/60.465924  

Station2: 4.8309896/60.4699855

Station3: 5.3235544/59.6671302

09.02.202319.06.2023Report (pdf, 526.1 kB)
Heincke, German, DBCKAlfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar-and Marine Research in the Helmholz-Association12.08.2023-04.09.2023Investigate the impact of atlantification on ecosystem structure and function in Arctic fjords (Svalbard). Moorings for long term data sampling for the Fjord Change project  Uwe JohnNorth and West Svalbard (Spitzbergen): van Mijenfjord, Wijdefjord, Rijpfjord, Kongsfjord03.02.202319.05.23 
Polarstern, German, DBLKAlfred-Wegener-Institut (AWI), Helmholz- Centre for Polar and Marine Research  02.08.23-01.10.23Shelf. Expedition ArcWatch-1. Study the biology, biogeochemistry, chemistry and physics of sea ice and the impact of sea ice loss in the entire Arctic Ocean system.  Antje Boetius/Christina BienholdNorth Norwegian Sector around Spitzbergen, 72°N-84°N and 0-40°E03.02.202323.05.23



Celtic Explorer, Irish, EIGBMarine Institute, Ireland21.07.2023-21.08.2023SiTrAc – Signal Tracking to unveil Arctic Climate Variability  Audrey MorleyNorwegian Waters South of Spitzbergen in the area 0-15°E and 78°-75°N02.02.202303.04.2023 
Icebreaker Oden, Swedish, SMLQSwedish Polar Research Secretariat, Sweden01.05.23-01.07.23Scientific cruise with the focus on athmosperic researchMichael TjernströmAlong the Norwegian coast from Sweden to LYR, rotation in LYR, expedition in the High Arctic approx 40 days, rotation in LYR, along the Norwegian coast from LYR to Sweden23.01.202315.03.202323.01.2023 (pdf, 417.4 kB)
Svea, Swedish, SEYBSwedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Sweden22.04.23-05.06.23Norway lobsterPatrick Jonsson

S6C0093 58,8333 10,3556

S6C0242 58,7778 10,4222

S6C0292 58,7556 10,3111

S6C0425 58,7000 10,4667

24.01.202320.04.202324.01.2023 (pdf, 456.9 kB)


Wageningen Marine Research,
The Netherlands

ICES coordinated Beam Trawl SurveyIngeborg de BooisThe North Sea16.01.202323.03.202316.01.2023
RSS Discovery,
National Oceanography Centre, UK09.07.2023-
N-Arc –Nitrogen Fixation in the Arctic OceanClaire Mahaffey82°N-10°E, 82°N-34°E, 78.837°N-34°E, 70°N-10°E 12.01.202311.05.2023 
Pelagia, Dutch, PGRQNIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research20.05.2023-14.06.2023


The role of the North Sea in the Atlantic Ocean biogeochemical system: North Sea-Atlantic Exchange.
Furu MienisNorwegian Trench06.01.202323.03.202306.01.2023
Tridens, Dutch, PBVO

Ministry of transport and public works

Rijkswaterstaat Dienst Nordzee
26.06.2023-21.07.2023North Sea hydro acoustic survey for herring and sprat 2023Bram Couperus

52°00 - 62°00 N and 004°30 W – 008°30 E

06.01.202320.03.202306.01.2023 (pdf, 716.8 kB)
Scotia, United Kingdom, MXHR 6Marine Scotland Science, Marine Laboratory, UK, United Kingdom




HerringSteven O´Connell58º30´- 62ºN and 7º30´W to 2ºE04.01.202320.03.202304.01.2023
Cefas Endeavour, British, VQHF3DEFRA/CEFAS, United Kingdom05.08.2023-03.09.2023,  15.07.-20.09 International Bottom Trawl SurveyRichard Humphreys

51°30' N - 62°00' N

03°00' W - 09°00'E 

04.01.202320.03.202304.01.2023 (pdf, 1.9 MB)

Scotia, United Kingdom, MXHR 6

Marine Scotland – Science, United Kingdom12.04.2023-02.05.2023Scottish monkfish surveyF. Burns

56° 30´ N – 62° 30´ N

4° 00´ W – 05° 00´ E

Polarstern, German, DBLKAlfred-Wegener-Institut (AWI), Helmholz- Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Germany21.06.2023-31.07.2023Shelf. Basic marine research in geophysics, geology, petrology, physical oceanography, biogeochemistry, microbiology, sea ice physicsVera Schlindwein77°N-85°N, 7°W-12°E13.12.202203.04.202313.12.2023 (pdf, 19.9 MB)
Ceton S205, Danish, OUHADTU Aqua (National Institute of Aquatic Resources)03.07.2023- 15.07.2023IESSNS (International Ecosystem Summer Survey in the Nordic Seas) extended to the North Sea Kai Wieland54°00'N-60°00'N and 02°00'W-11°00'E12.12.202203.04.202312.12.2022
Heincke, German, DBCKAlfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar-and Marine Research in the Helmholz-Association10.05.2023-16.05.2023Master course program, University of Hamburg.Niko LahajnarEEZ of Norway: Area between 56°24.00´N – 58°00.00´N and 004°00.00´E – 006°00.00´E.06.12.202303.04.202310.07.2023 (pdf, 6.5 MB)
24.07.2023 (pdf, 15.2 MB)
Polarstern, German, DBLKAlfred-Wegener-Institute (AWI), Helmholz Centre for Polar- and Marine Research 22.05.2023-19.06.2023To perform basic marine research in biological, chemical, geological and physical ocenographyThomas Soltwedel/Jennifer Dannheim69°N, 10°W / 82°N, 20°E10.11.202223.01.2310.11.2022 (pdf, 35.6 MB)
Dana, Danish, OXBHNational Institute of Aquatic Resources (DTU-Aqua)25.04.2023- 24.05.2023Echo integration of herring and blue whiting and pelagic fishing in connection with the International Ecosystem Survey in  Norwegian Sea, IESNS  Susan Mærsk Lusseau

Calibration of echosounders at Sandviksflaket anchorage in Byfjorden, Bergen.


Acoustic survey component in Norwegian

Scotia, United Kingdom, MXHR 6Marine Scotland, Marine Laboratory, UK05.05.2023-18.05.2023HydrographyW.R. Turrell

JONSIS line (Orkney-Utsire)

at 59.283N, -002.233W through to 59.283N, 002.033E



Nereus, Swedish, SKTDTjärnö Marine Laboratory, University of Gothenburg01.01.2023-31.12.2021Lophelia pertusa Ann Larsson

59°07.52N, 10°40.04E

59°07.84N, 10°51.37E

58°58.64N, 11°03.98E

58°54.18N, 10°41.91E  
Svea, Swedish, SEYBSwedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Sweden20.01.2023-07-02-2023International Bottom Trawl Survey Patrik Börjesson/Barbara BlandSkagerrak, Kattegat, Eastern North Sea13.09.202222.12.2022Report (pdf, 634.2 kB)
Havfisken, Danish, OWRBDTU Agua (National Institute of Aquatic Resources), Denmark20.03.2023-05.04.2023Norway lobsterKai Wieland57°30'N - 58°00N and 07°53'E - 09°28'E12.09.202222.12.2022Report (pdf, 2.6 MB)
Dana, Danish, OXBHDTU Agua (National Institute of Aquatic Resources), Denmark23.01.2023-17.02.2023International Bottom Trawl Survey Kai Wieland/Helle Rasmussen54°00'N - 58°30'N, 02°00'W – 11°00'E26.08.202222.12.2022Report (pdf, 1.6 MB)
Marine Scotland Science,
United Kingdom
International Bottom Trawl Survey J. Drewery

56° 00 N – 61° 30 N

4° 00 W – 04° 00 E

Walther Herwig III, German, DBFRBundesanstalt fűr Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE), Germany20.01.2023- 21.02.2023International Bottom Trawl SurveyHermann NeumannEntire North Sea between 54°N to 61°N, particularly in those rectangles assigned to Germany by ICES.01.07.202229.12.202201.07.2022