Fisheries Monitoring Centre (FMC Norway)

The Fisheries Monitoring Centre (FMC) is the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries' 24/7 operations hub for overseeing the activities of both Norwegian and foreign fishing vessels.

The FMC processes a range of mandatory reporting schemes, including position tracking and electronic catch and activity reports, required from Norwegian fishing vessels at sea and foreign vessels operating in Norwegian waters.

A key responsibility is ensuring compliance with these reporting requirements to support sustainable fisheries management.

Combating IUU Fishing

The FMC plays a central role in combating illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing. It works closely with national and international monitoring authorities to detect and address violations effectively.

The centre also operates a 24/7 call line where individuals can report suspected illegal fishing activities.

Additional Responsibilities

In addition to its core fisheries monitoring and surveillance functions, the FMC serves as a response centre for a variety of marine issues, including:

  • Harmful algal and jellyfish blooms.
  • Stranded marine mammals.
  • Escaped fish from aquaculture facilities.


The Directorate's hotline number: +47 55 23 83 36
