Find some of the most relevant statistics for the Norwegian fisheries.
You will find a complete overview of statistics on our Norwegian website (in Norwegian).
1. Fishermen, fishing vessels and licenses
On our Norwegian website, you will find several different reports providing data on fishermen, vessels and licenses.
The Norwegian Fishermen's Register
You will find statistics on fishermen listed in the Norwegian Fishermen's Register here. The interactive display provides data on registered primary and secondary occupation fishermen, categorized by age, gender, and county/municipality (available in Norwegian only).
The Norwegian Fishing Vessel Register
You will find statistics on vessels registered in the Norwegian Fishing Vessel Register here. The interactive tool shows trends over time and provides details on the number of vessels, engine power, county/municipality, length categories, vessel materials, and year of construction (available in Norwegian only).
The Norwegian Fishing License Register
Statistics on licenses listed in the Norwegian Fishing License Register, both nationally and by county, are available here.
Statistical publications
Statistical publications on the Norwegian fishing fleet from 1999 are available here. These publications include an English translation. The publications available are:
- Key Figures for Norwegian Fisheries ("Nøkkeltall for de norske fiskeriene")
- Profitability Survey for the Fishing Fleet ("Lønnsomhetsundersøkelse for fiskeflåten")
- Fishing Vessels and Fishermen, Licenses, and Annual Participation Permits (discontinued) ("Fiskefartøy og fiskere, konsesjoner og årlige deltakeradganger (avsluttet)")
2. Profitability survey of the Norwegian fishing fleet
Every year, the Directorate of Fisheries collects information on profitability, operations, work effort etc. from the Norwegian fishing fleet.
The results are presented in time series and annual tables on our Norwegian website.
The results for the years 1998 – 2019 are also presented in publications (see above). These contain summaries in English. For the years 2020-2022, no separate publications have been made for the survey.
3. Economic and biological key figures
The purpose of this report is to provide readers with a clear, intuitive, and comprehensive understanding of developments in Norwegian fisheries over the past decades. The focus is on the natural resources underpinning the fisheries — fish stocks, quotas, catches, the value of the catch, and production costs.
Download the reports by year:
How is the Norwegian Fisheries Management organised?
Norway's fisheries management ensures sustainable use of marine resources through strict laws, monitoring, and international cooperation.
Reporting systems and innovation
Norway’s Fisheries Directorate boosts transparency and control with real-time data and automated tracking in innovative reporting systems.