Cruises 2024

Cruises 2024 

Call sign
Operating authority, 
Researching state
PeriodPurpose of cruiseScientist in chargeGeographical AreaApplication dateGrantedReport
Perseverance, Isbjørnen IIFrench/UK

Perseverance 19.11.2024-24.11.2024.

Isbjørnen II 20.11.2024-22.11.2024

Biodiversa Europam project. Study acoustic behaviour of cetaceans in a complex environment where several species interact.Hervé GlotinKvænanger fjord15.11.202419.11.2024 
Z.510 Dennis, Belgian, OPUFAgentschap Landbouw en Zeevisserij Brussel, Belgian28.10.2024-28.11.2024Pilot study aiming to explore the potential of precision fisheries in the Norwegian Exclusive Economic Zone with a modern equipped beam trawler.Laura Lemey / Ellen PecceuNorth Sea15.08.202422.10.2024Cancelled
Arctic Hunter/Reykjanes
DTU Aqua (National Institute for Aquatic Resources), Denmark18.11.2024-20.12.2024Estimating local abundance and distribution pattern of sandeelsHans Jakob Olsen52°N-58°N, 0°E-10°E12.08.202418.10.2024 
Walther Herwig III, German, DBFRBundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung, Germany04.12.2024-17.12.2024Test of different technical devices used for fishery researchAndreas Hermann57°30´N - 58°30´N and 8°E - 11°00´E (inside the EEZ of Norway excl. 3nm-zone)16.07.202404.10.2024 
Rossö/Svanen av Rörö, Swedish, SIGA/SMFHSwedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Sweden30.09.2024-19.10.2024Swedish Skagerrak Bottom Trawl SurveyPatrik BörjessonSkagerrak Sea: N 57°00´- N 59°00´, E 07°00´01.07.202429.08.202401.07.2024 (pdf, 358.5 kB)
Polarstern, German, DBLKAlfred-Wegener-Institut (AWI), Helmholz- Zentrum fűr Polar und Meeresforschung, Germany24.12.2024-10.03.20251) Basic research in physical, biological and chemical oceanography. 2) Resupply Neumayer station, AntarticaOlaf BoebelSouth Atlantic Ocean (south of 34°S, Atlantic sector of Southern Ocean, Weddel Sea)20.06.202418.09.202420.06.2024 (pdf, 26.1 kB)
Svea, Swedish, SEYBSwedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Sweden03.09.2024-14.09.2024The Marine Protected Area Monitoring and Assessment ProgramMattias SkȍldKosterhavet National Park (the vessel will cross the Norwegian border)22.05.202418.07.2024 
Heincke, German, DBCKAlfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar-and Marine Research in the Helmholz-Association,Germany15.10.2024-28.10.2024Introduce studens to the main methods of physical oceanographyThomas H. BadewienArea within 57.2° and 8.5° to 58.9° and 11.25°E, Skagerrak and Kattegat21.05.202409.09.2024 
Beluga, Danish, XPD 5087University of Southern Denmark, Denmark01.08.2024-15.09.2024Transit cruise with underway surveys of killer whales characterizing their acoustic repertoire and dialectsMagnus Wahlberg57.9°-70.5°N and 4.4°-20°E16.05.202409.07.2024cancelled
Alkor, German, DBND


Helmholtz-Zentrum fűr Ozeanforschung Kiel, Germany

18.08.2024-31.08.2024Part of the M.Sc. program Biological Oceanography curriculum GEOMAR and Kiel University.David NeedhamnSkagerrak, Kattegat, Baltic Sea, Arkona Basin, Bornholm Basin, Gotland Deep and North Gotland Sea15.05.202412.07.2024 
Svea, Swedish, SEYBSwedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Sweden18.08.2024-03.09.2024International Bottom Trawl SurveyPatrik BȍrjessonEastern North Sea, Skagerrak, Kattegat10.05.202409.07.202410.05.2024 (pdf, 2.0 MB)
Pachamama, Swiss, HBY3769Dario Reo Andri Schwoerer, Switzerland 10.05.2024-31.09.2024Capture a fingerprint of the current composition of preserved ecosystems through Environmental DNA (eDNA) analyses.Loȉc PellissierAlong the coast of Norway between Bergen and Tromsø07.05.202415.05.2024 
PolarXplorer,Norway,LAOS8Tűbitak, Turkey26.06.2024-25.07.2024Investigate the presence and intensity of the anthropogenic impacts on a global scale and to observe the parameters and effects of global climate change.Burcu ÖzsoyTromsø – Svalbard – Northern parts of Norway06.05.202404.06.2024 
Elisabeth Mann Borgese, German, DBKRBundeswehr Technical Center WTD71, Gremany16.09.2024-27.09.2024Improve methodology, technical equipment, and physical understanding of underwater noise processes.Jan AbshagenSognefjord02.05.202402.07.2024cancelled
Skagerak, Sweden, SEYDUniversity of Gothenburg01.07.2024-31.08.2024Examine the interaction of the buoyancy-driven and the shelf-driven circulation in the waters around Svalbard including Storfjorden fast ice and the dynamics in the near -ice zoneAnna WåhlinSvalbard, Norwegian Fjords24.04.202424.06.2024 
Scotia, United Kingdom, MXHR6Marine Directorate (MD), Marine Laboratory, UK16.08.2024-06.09.2024ICES Demersal trawling survey to assess pre-recruit year class strengths of cod, haddock, whiting, saithe, Norway pout, herring, mackerel and spratF. Burns54.00º to 61.30º N - 004ºW to 006ºE19.04.202424.06.2024 
Scotia, United Kingdom, MXHR6Marine Directorate (MD), Marine Laboratory, UK25.09.2024-09.10.2024HydrographyP. BoulcottJONSIS line (Orkney-Utsire) at 59.283N, -002.233W through to 59.283N, 002.033E19.04.202424.06.2024 
National Geographic Endurance, Bahamas, IMO#9842554Lindblad Expeditions Holding, Inc.24.06.2024-08.07.2024Conduct citizen science research on microplastics and anthropogenic microfiber pollution in the air and surface water at already designated stops along the cruise trackRachael Z. MillerTysfjorden (68°06'08.49''N, 16°12'11.91''E), Lofoten (68°00'2.82''N, 13°37'38.89'') and „the fjords of Norway“ on the way south15.04.202431.05.202415.04.24 (pdf, 11.9 MB)
SY Wtiness, Dutch, PE6058Stichting Greenpeace Council, Amsterdam, NL01.07.2024-10.09.2024Document the presence of cetaceans within the study area - Mohn´s Ridge and Knipovich Ridge, Norwegian Sea - during the summer monthsKirsten YoungNorwegian Sea – Mohn´s Ridge and Knipovich Ridge09.04.202425.06.2024 
Helmsand, German, DRMCBundeswehr Technical Center WTD7122.04.2024-06.05.2024Improve methodology and technical equipment for future sound transmission experiments at open seaChristian HaakSognefjord14.04.202418.04.2024 
Cefas Endeavourn, British, VQHF3DEFRA/CEFAS, United Kingdom15.07.2024-20.09.2024International Bottom Trawl SurveyRichard Humphreys

51°30' N - 62°00' N

03°00' W - 09°00'E 


Report 10.04.2024 (pdf, 3.3 MB)

Track 10.04.2024 (pdf, 124.6 kB)

Dana, Danish, OXBHNational Institute of Aquatic Resources
(DTU-Aqua), Danish
22.06.2024-08-07.2024Echo integration of herring and sprat for stock monitoring purposes Susan Mærsk Lusseau56°N - 60°N, 05°E – 12°E04.04.202407.06.202404.04.24 (pdf, 2.2 MB)
Icebreaker Oden, Swedish, SMLQ Swedish Polar Research Secretariat, Sweden15.07.2024-10.10.2024The dynamic history and future response of the Northern Greenland Ice Sheets marine cryosphere to climate changeMartin Jakobsson & Nina KirchnerNorthern Greenland Waters – Fram Strait - Svalbard/LYR – Transit along the Norwegian coast back to Sweden27.03.202401.07.2024 
Solea, German, DBFHBundesanstalt fűr Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE), Germany27.06.2024-17.07.2024Hydroacoustic monitoring of clupeid stocks.Matthias Schaber52°00' N - 57°00' N, 2°30' W - 9°00' E 15.03.202406.06.202415.03.24 (pdf, 1.7 MB)
Arni Fridriksson, Icelandic, TFNAMarine and Freshwater Research Institute, Reykjavik, Iceland03.05.2024-22.05.2024Distribution and abundance of Norwegian spring-spawning herring and blue whiting. Sigurvin Bjarnason62°40'- 72°00' N, 13°00' W - 20°0' E 11.03.202419.04.202411.03.2024 (pdf, 86.1 kB)
Arni Fridriksson, Icelandic, TFNAMarine and Freshwater Research Institute Iceland, Hafnarfjordur, Iceland01.07.2024-03-08-2024Abundance estimation of mackerel, herring and blue whiting (IESSNS 2024). Anna H. Olafsdottir60°00' N - 71°00' N, 40°00' W - 00°00' E 11.03.202406.06.202411.03.2024 (pdf, 162.1 kB)
Report 24.03.2025 (pdf, 622.9 kB)
Arni Fridriksson, Icelandic, TFNAMarine and Freshwater Research Institute, Reykjavik, Iceland07.09.2024-30.09-2024Acoustic estimation of capelin abundance, ecology studies of the epi-pelagic layer and hydrography.Birkir Bardarson64°00' N - 76°00' N, 40°00' W - 02°00' E 11.03.202406.06.2024 
USCGC Healy, United States, NEPPUnited States Coast Guard, USA28.08.2024-26.10.2024Part of a systematic and global occupation of select hydrographic sections being caried out to quantify changes in storage and transport of heat, fresh water, carbon dioxide (CO2) and related parameters.Lauren JuranekHydrographic transect originating at 71.0 N 21.2 E bearing NE to 76.68 N 30 E, then northward along 30 E to 90 N.07.03.202408.07.2024 
Sarmiento de Gamboa, Spanish, EAKFCSIC, UTM, Spain02.09.2024-12.09-2024Oceanographic campaign “BIOCAL”Patrizia Ziveri

7 stations in Norwegian waters:

St. 11: 64.955°N; 0.798°E

St. 12: 66.966°N; 7.633°E

 St. 13: 70.523°N; 10.428°E

St. 14: 72.998°N; 12.931°E

St. 15: 75.919°N; 10.273°E

St. 16: 78.916°N; 6.767°E

St. 17: 69.053°N; 0.985°W

Le Commandant Charcot, French, FMNBPonant, France, Italy06.09.2024-26.09.2024Document the current state and ongoing changes of the physical, chemical, biological and biogeochemical systems of the Arctic Ocean.Maurizio Azzaro

Alaska – North Pole – Svalbard Islands

67°30' N, 168°12' W – 80° N, 29' E

05.03.202405.06.202405.03.2024 (pdf, 6.8 MB)
Neil Armstrong, United States, WARLWoods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA15.08.2024-26.09.2024Determine the pathways, amount, and variability of dense water feeding into the Faroe Bank Channel, which contributes substantially to the North Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. Robert Pickart

Operations within the polygon:

Lon (W) Lat (N)

 -14.2771 75.3356

 -16.9778 73.9219

-20.0642 71.4579

-20.1285 66.8548

-13.8270 66.7281

-12.4767 65.1559

-12.9268 59.5665

-3.9891 59.6316

 1.2193 63.3983

-3.4747 66.0064

-3.4747 69.0725

8.3566 71.9823

8.5495 75.3356

-14.2771 75.3356

05.03.202418.07.202405.03.2024 (pdf, 10.5 MB)
Jákup Sverri, Faroese, XPZOHavstovan, Torshavn, Faroe Islands, Denmark26.06.2024-17.07.2024International Ecosystem Summer Survey in the Nordic Seas, IESSNSEydna í Homrum60°00'N - 77°90'N, 32°00'W – 24°80'E28.02.202422.05.202428.02.2024 (pdf, 2.9 MB)
Scotia, United Kingdom, MXHR 6Marine Scotland Science, Marine Laboratory, UK30.06.2024-19.07.2024HerringSteven O'Connell58º30´- 62ºN and 7º30´W to 2ºE27.02.202422.05.2024 
Atair, German, DBBIFederal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH)23.07.2024-15.08.2024Annual North Sea summer survey (NSSS) of the BSH dedicated to assess the physical and chemical status of the North Sea in summer 2024.Dagmar KiekeNorth Sea, 51°N-60°N, 5°W-9°E15.02.202415.05.2024 
Polarstern, German, DBLKAlfred-Wegener-Institute Helmholz Centre for Polar- and Marine Research09.08.2024-13.10.2024Study the biology, chemistry and physics of sea ice loss on the entire ocean system.Benjamin Rabe/
Walter Geibert
70°N - 84°N and 0°- 40°E15.02.202424.06.2024 
ITS Alliance, Italy, IALLItalian Navy12.07.2024-08.08.2024Shelf. The research campaign High North24Maurizio Demarte75°00'N-83°00'N, 00°00'E-32°00'E (outside NTW)15.02.202408.05.2024 
ITS Alliance, Italy, IALLItalian Navy30.06.2024-12.07.2024Shelf. Arctic Climate Observatory 2024 (ACO24)CEMBRE (La Spezia)Svalbard area (outside NTW)15.02.202408.05.2024 
ITS Alliance, Italy, IALLItalian Navy08.06.2024-28.06.2024Shelf. Nordic Recognized Environmental Picture 2024 (NREP2024CEMBRE (La Spezia)N 73°30' - N 75°30', E 22° - E 25°15.02.202408.05.2024 
Walther Herwig III, German, DBFRBundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung22.07.2024-19.08.2024Shelf. International Bottom Trawl Survey (IBTS) 2024 Q3 under ICES coordination, and German Small-scale Bottom Trawl Survey (GSBTS).Anne SellEntire North Sea between 52°N to 62°N, particularly in those rectangles assigned to Germany by ICES.15.02.202416.05.2024 
Heincke, German, DBCKAlfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar-and Marine Research in the Helmholz-Association, Germany05.08.2024-28.08.2024Shelf. Spatial and temporal distribution, the ecology and physiology, as well as potential competition of co-occurring gadoid species in the communities of Arctic and Atlantic influence around Svalbard.Felix Mark59°00'N 1°00'E to 80°50'N 25°00'E05.02.202422.04.2024 
Dana, Danish, OXBHDTU Aqua (National Institute of Aquatic Resources), Denmark19.08.2024-13.09.2024International Bottom Trawl Survey.Kai Wieland / Helle Rasmussen51°00'N - 58°00'N, 01°00'W – 10°00'E05.02.202419.04.202405.02.2024 (pdf, 2.5 MB)
Maria S. Merian, German, DBBTInstitute for Geology/University of Hamburg18.08.2024-28.09.2024Shelf. Investigation of the Jøtul hydrothermal field and other hydrothermal systems at the seafloor along Knipovich Ridge and Molloy Ridge.Gerhard Bohrmann

#1: 73°03.74’N 3°21.96’E

#2: 73°06.08’N 0°47.06’W

#3: 80°09.30’N 0°09.43’E

#4: 79°44.03’N 6°53.07’E

#5: 78°49.59’N 9°54.40’E

#6: 77°07.76’N 13°40.38’E

#7: 74°11.36’N 10°40.80’E

#8: 71°53.91’N 9°53.46’E

02.02.202410.06.202402.02.2024 (pdf, 800.7 kB)
Maria S. Merian, German, DBBTInstitute for Geology/University of Hamburg25.05.2024-05.06.2024Shelf. Transit cruise with underway surveys characterizing the upper ocean hydrography in reference to temperature, salinity, chlorophyll and oxygen.Johannes Karstensen54.2°N/12.2°E to 60°N/74.5°W02.02.202402.05.202402.02.2024 (pdf, 648.1 kB)
Dagmar Aaen, German, DIXXArved Fuchs Expeditionen, Germany20.06.2024-15.09.2024Citizen science cruise collecting underway data and profile data at selected stationsJohannes Karstensen57°N 30°E/008°00' E – 74°N40'N/019° - 40°E29.01.202418.04.202429.01.2024 (pdf, 7.7 MB)
Oceania, Polish, SQOCInstitute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland09.06.2024-12.09.2024Shelf. Studies of thermohaline circulation in the Nordic Seas, pathways of Atlantic water etc, studies of hydrography, optical properties, plankton, surface sediments, benthos etc. in the Spitsbergen fjords and coastal regions.Agnieszka Beszczyńska-Möller58°N-82°N, 5°W-30°E25.01.202402.05.202415.01.2025
Oceanograf, Polish, SPG2054University of Gdansk, Poland09.06.2024-29.06.2024Physico-chemical properties of water masses, possible pollution and organisms transported from Baltic Sea to the Nordic Seas.Agata Weydmann-Zwolicka

57°54.88´N, 005°15.92´E–68°50.00´N, 011°50.00´E

Tridens, Dutch, PBVO

Ministry of transport and public works, Rijkswaterstaat Dienst Nordzee, The Netherlands

24.06.2024-19.07.2024North Sea hydro acoustic survey for herring and sprat 2024Bram Couperus52°00 - 62°00 N and 004°30 W – 008°30 E23.01.202408.04.2024 
Tridens, Dutch, PBVO

Wageningen Marine Research, The Netherlands

29.07.2024-13.09.2024ICES coordinated Beam Trawl SurveyIngeborg de BooisNorth Sea17.01.202415.04.202417.01.2024 (pdf, 581.6 kB)
Polarstern, German, DBLK Alfred-Wegener-Institute, Helmholz Zentrum fűr Polar- und Meeresforschung, Germany 14.07.2024-09.08.2024To perform basic marine research in biological, chemical and physical ocenographyKatja Metfies

Fram Strait;

Southern Extension: 20°W – 13°E 78°N, Northern extension: 10°W – 13°E 82°N.

Dana, Danish, OXBHNational Institute of Aquatic Resources (DTU-Aqua), Denmark29.04.2024-27.05.2024Echo integration of herring and blue whiting and pelagic fishing in connection with the International Ecosystem Survey in  Norwegian Sea, IESNS  Susan Mærsk Lusseau

Norwegian Sea:
2°0.0´N to 72°0.0´N, 5°0.0´W to 20°0.0´E  

11.01.202427.03.202411.01.2024 (pdf, 4.9 MB)

Ceton S205, Danish, OUHA

DTU Aqua (National Institute of Aquatic Resources)01.07.2023 - 15.07.2024IESSNS (International Ecosystem Summer Survey in the Nordic Seas) extended to the North Sea Kai Wieland54°00'N-60°00'N, 02°00'W-11°00'E04.01.202427.03.202404.01.2024 (pdf, 10.5 MB)
Svea, Swedish, SEYB Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU15.04.2024 - 13.04.2024Norway lobsterPatrik Jonsson

S6C0026 58.86667 10.48889

S6C0093 58.83333 10.35556

S6C0186 58.8 10.48889

S6C0494 58.6667 10.4222

27.12.202326.03.202427.12.2023 (pdf, 429.6 kB)
Heincke, German, DBCKAlfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar-and Marine Research in the Helmholz-Association08.05.2024 - 14.05.2024Master course program, University of HamburgNiko LahajnarEEZ of Norway: Area between 56°00.00´N – 58°00.00´N and 002°30.00´E – 004°30.00´E21.12.202326.03.202421.12.2023 (pdf, 9.4 MB)
Solea, German, DBFHBundesanstalt fűr Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE)16.08.2024 - 03.09.2024International Beam Trawl SurveyKay PantenNorth Sea, South of 57°30´N, North of 55°N, West of 10°E21.12.202326.03.202421.12.2023 (pdf, 251.2 kB)
Polarstern, German, DBLKAlfred-Wegener-Institute (AWI), Helmholz Centre for Polar- and Marine Research08.06.2024 - 11.07.2024To perform basic marine research in biological, chemical, geological and physical ocenographyFrank Wenzhöfer/
Ingo Schewe
69°N, 10°W/
82°N, 20°E
Scotia, United Kingdom, MXHR 6Marine Directorate (MD), Marine Laboratory, UK02.05.2024 - 20.05.2024HydrographyW.R. Turrell

JONSIS line (Orkney-Utsire) at 59.283 N - 002.233 W

through to

59.283 N - 002.033 E

Scotia, United Kingdom, MXHR 6Marine Scotland - Science11.04.2024 - 29.04.2024Scottish monkfish surveyR.G. Mules

56° 30´ N – 62° 30´ N

4° 00´ W – 05° 00´ E

Walther Herwig III, German, DBFRBundesanstalt fűr Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE)04.03.2024-22.03.2024Test of different technical devices used for fishery researchAndreas Hermann

Preferred area:
57°30´N - 58°30´N, 08°E – 10°30´E

Backup area: 60°30´N - 61°30´N, 03°E – 6°30´E

24.11.2023 Cancelled
Pelagia, Dutch, PGRQNIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, The Netherlands25.04.2024-19.05.2024


The role of the North Sea in the Atlantic Ocean biogeochemical system: North Sea-Atlantic Exchange

Furu Mienis

The Norwegian Trench and the adjacent Atlantic Ocean region.

57.3°- 65°N and 1.0°W-9.5°E  

Resolute BF50, British, MHUO5Defra/Cefas, United Kingdom15.04.2024-31.04.2023International Ecosystem Survey in the Nordic Sea (IESNS)Jeroen van der Kooij

62° 00´ N – 73° 50´ N

13° 15´ W – 20° 40´ E

Nereus, Swedish, SKTDTjärnö Marine Laboratory, University of Gothenburg, Strömstad, Sweden18.01.2024-31.12.2024Lophelia pertusa Ann Larsson

59°07.52N, 10°40.04E

59°07.84N, 10°51.37E

58°58.64N, 11°03.98E

58°54.18N, 10°41.91E  

Svea, Swedish, SEYBSwedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Sweden21.01.2024-07.02.2024International Bottom Trawl Survey Patrik BörjessonSkagerrak, Kattegat, Eastern North Sea03.10.202311.01.202403.10.2023 (pdf, 1.4 MB)
Havfisken, Danish, OWRBDTU Agua (National Institute of Aquatic Resources), Denmark18.03.2024-05.04.2024Norway lobsterKai Wieland57°30'N - 58°00N and 07°53'E - 09°28'E27.09.202328.11.202327.09.2023 (pdf, 2.2 MB)
JOIDES Resolution, Cypros, 5BMM3International Ocean Discovery Program, Texas A&M University, USA04.06.2024-07.08.2024Geology and Geophysics Research CruiseThomas RongeFram Strait21.09.202311.03.202421.09.2023 (pdf, 11.7 MB)
Dana, Danish, OXBHDTU Aqua (National Institute of Aquatic Resources)12.01.2024-31.01.2024International Bottom Trawl SurveyKai Wieland/
Helle Rasmussen
54°00'N - 58°30'N, 02°00'W – 11°00'E17.11.202307.12.202317.11.2023 (pdf, 2.8 MB)
Dana, Danish, OXBHDTU Aqua (National Institute of Aquatic Resources), Germany31.01.2024-22.02.2024International Bottom Trawl Survey (IBTS)Hermann NeumannNorthe Sea between 54°N-61°N, particularly in those rectangles assigned to Germany by ICES.21.07.202320.12.202321.07.2023 (pdf, 1.3 MB)
Tridens, Dutch, PBVO

Wageningen Marine Research, The Netherlands

22.01.2024-23.02.2024International Bottom Trawl Survey (IBTS) 2024Ralf van HalNorth Sea05.07.202306.10.202305.07.2023 (pdf, 1.2 MB)
Marcus G. Langseth,USA, WDC6698Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, USA



Global Ocean Ship-based Hydrographic Investigations Program GOSHIP


Leticia Barbero

Praia, Cape Verde – Ghana´s coast at 5N, 3W- south along the Greenwich meridian to appr. 55S, 0E - Cape Town, Soth Africa.

Bouvet Island

29.06.202324.08.202329.06.2023 (pdf, 283.0 kB)
Scotia, United Kingdom, MXHR 6Marine Scotland - Science23.01.2024-11.02.2024International Bottom Trawl Survey (IBTS)J. Drewery56° 00 N – 61° 30 N

4° 00 W –
04° 00 E


Updated: 11.07.2023