Comprehensive Statistics on Norwegian Aquaculture
Access aggregated data on licenses, production sites, companies, employment, and sales within Norway's aquaculture industry.
Statistics from Norwegian aquaculture producers of fish, molluscs, crustaceans, echinoderms, and plants:
Total number of licences per 31.12 1994-2024 (xlsx, 61.2 kB)
Total number of sites in sea water 2006-2024 (xlsx, 42.2 kB)
Total number of companies with production 1994-2023 (xlsx, 62.6 kB)
Total number of employees 1994-2023 (xlsx, 86.8 kB)
Total sale 1998-2023 (xlsx, 76.0 kB)
The percentage of licenses with production 2002-2023 (xlsx, 12.8 kB)