Information collected as part of our management activities

The Directorate of Fisheries processes personal data in connection with the allocation of rights, control and supervision, when we receive tips, and when you contact us.

Allocation of rights, control, supervision and reporting

In connection with applications for the allocation of rights, updates related to existing rights, or complaints about rejections, we process data such as contact information that is necessary to fulfil our statutory obligations.

We also process personal data as part of our control and supervision activities, such as contact information about persons in undertakings and other employees, to the extent necessary for the case processing.

External actors who report to the Directorate of Fisheries, for example through landing and sales notes, may also include personal data. This information is processed to fulfil our statutory duties.

The basis for processing is Article 6 (1) (e), which allows the processing of data necessary for the exercise of official authority. If the data include special categories of personal data, the processing basis is Article 9 (2) (g). Information subject to record-keeping requirements is stored in accordance with the archiving legislation.

Tips submitted to the Directorate of Fisheries

Tips are stored in a database for the purpose of providing an overview of possible offences, and planning control and supervision activities. The database may include information about offences, undertakings, persons and our assessment of the case.

Tips can be given anonymously. Information is stored for three years before being erased, unless the tip becomes part of a case. In such cases, the information is recorded and stored in accordance with the archiving legislation.

The processing basis for the tips database is GDPR Article 6 (1) (e). If the tip includes special categories of personal data, Article 9 (2) (g) applies.

Information collected when you contact us

When you call us, your phone number, and the time and duration of the call are stored for system administration and statistics at an aggregated level.

Notes may be written and recorded in the event of conversations relating to specific cases. Emails to our recipient addresses are recorded where necessary.

The processing basis is GDPR Article 6 (1) (e). If the request contains special categories of personal data, Article 9 (2) (g) applies.

When reporting errors, name, contact information, as well as photos and attachments you send are stored. This is necessary to resolve the issue and, if necessary, contact you.


In the case of job applications, information such as name, contact information, application, CV and relevant information is processed in order to assess the application.

The processing basis is GDPR Article 6 (1) (b). If the application includes special categories of personal data, Article 6 (1) (c) and Article 9 (2) (b) apply. The Directorate of Fisheries uses the Norwegian Agency for Public and Financial Management’s HR recruitment service to manage applications.

Retrieval of addresses from the National Population Register

Some online forms require a Norwegian personal ID number to identify users. This gives us access to necessary information from the Central Population Register, such as home address. We do not have access to secret or confidential addresses.

Sharing of information

The Directorate of Fisheries shares information with other supervisory agencies, fisheries authorities, cooperatives and the Norwegian Maritime Authority. We are also subject to the Freedom of Information Act and must provide access to information unless it is subject to a duty of confidentiality.

Certain registers are searchable on our website, such as information about the licences granted.

External suppliers

When using external suppliers, such as IT suppliers, we enter into data management agreements. Suppliers have a duty of confidentiality and may only use the information for agreed purposes.

Your rights

You have right of access to the data we store about you. You can demand that incorrect data be rectified or erased. In the case of consent-based processing, you can withdraw your consent, request erasure, or transfer data to others.

Questions can be addressed to Complaints can be addressed to the Data Protection Authority via or by calling (+47) 22 39 69 00.

Contact us

For questions about privacy or rights, please contact us at

Org. no: 971 20 34 20