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Fishermen, fishing vessels and licenses

For statistics on fishermen in the register of Norwegian fishermen, please see the Norwegian page Fiskere fra fiskermanntallet (fiskeridir.no). The interactive display contains information on registered main and secondary occupational fishermen, grouped by age, gender, and county/municipality (in Norwegian only).

For statistics on vessel registered in the register of Norwegian fishing vessels, please see the Norwegian page Fartøy i merkeregisteret (fiskeridir.no). The interactive view shows the development over time and is divided into the number of vessels, the vessels' engine power, county/municipality, length group, vessel material and year of construction (in Norwegian only).

Statistics on licenses registered in the register of Norwegian fishing licenses, in total and at county level, are presented on this page: Konsesjoner og deltakeradganger (fiskeridir.no).

Statistical publications for the Norwegian fishing fleet for the years 1999-2019 are presented on this page: Statistiske publikasjoner - yrkesfiske (fiskeridir.no). The publications also contain an English translation.