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Cruises 2025

Cruises 2025

Vessel, Nationality, Call signOperating authority, Researching statePeriodPurpose of cruiseScientist in chargeGeographical AreaApplication dateGrantedReport
Dana, Danish, OXBHDTU Aqua (National Institute of Aquatic Resources), Denmark10.01.2025-07.02.2025International Bottom Trawl SurveyKai Wieland/Helle Rasmussen54°00'N - 58°30'N, 02°00'W – 11°00'E26.06.2024  
Tridens, Dutch, PBVOWageningen Marine Research, The Netherlands20.01.2025-21.02.2025International Bottom Trawl Survey (IBTS)Ralf van HalNorth Sea12.06.2024