Cruise Information «Heincke» (170110a)






Call. sign.:


Dates of cruise:

From 20 to 28 August 2017

Operating authority:

Alfred-Wegner-Institute Helmholz Center for Polar- and Marine Research, Bremerhaven


Federal Ministry of Education and Research, German Government

Name of master:

Robert Voss

Scientist in charge:

Jelle Bijma

Map over area:

Geographical area:

EEZ of Norway:
A)    Spitsbergen: One multicore station westlich of Longyearbyen (78°29,2’N 8°30,2’E, 1396m). Alternative: 78°55,86N 6°50,99’E, 1433m or 78°00,0’N 8°48,6’E, 1397m.
B)    one multicore station at Haakon Mosby; 72°00,32’N 14°43,66’E, 1262m. Alternative: NW of Norway (71°18,456' N, 13°56,535'E 1900m).
C)    Multibeam map of Røst reef. Start of line:
67 37.8758N, 9 33.6088E. End of line 67 30.4553N, 9 16.6933E. Two additional  lines each 0.5 nM west of the first Line.
A “Sound Velocity Profile“ is needed at the start and the end of the “matras”.

Updated: 30.01.2017