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Cruise Information «Lonny Hedvig» «Reykjanes» (180524a)



Lonny Hedvig, Reykjanes  



Call. sign.:

Lonny Hedvig: OYDJ, Reykjanes: OVS12

Dates of cruise:

From 15 November - 20 December 2018

Operating authority:

DTU-Aqua, Denmark


Lonny Hedvig: Rene Hovgaard Schmidt, Reykjanes: FOGA ApS

Name of master:

Lonny Hedvig: Rene Hovgaard Schmidt, Reykjanes: L.P. Stenberg

Scientist in charge:

Henrik Degel

Map over area:

Geographical area:

52°N - 58°N,  0°E - 10°E

Updated: 04.12.2018